Tag: Forthview Golf Academy


I have attended a fair number of CPD Courses in my 10 years as an EGTF Professional, and so travelled through to Forthview Golf Academy for Stewart and Bill’s latest offering on Teaching with New Technology.

There were four of us on the Course, Betty Sworowski, Bob Lamb, Philippe Pineau and myself.  Since the four of us hadn’t met before, introductions took around 20 minutes.  Anyone who knows Stewart will understand that his introduction took about an hour!!


As usual, the information provided on the Course was first class.  Topics ranged from the Force Plate, D Plane and new Ball Flight Laws.  We discussed all of the above and more in detail as well as having to look at some of the latest training aids.  The one we were all impressed with was Swingbyte.  Swingbyte attaches to the club shaft and provides all the feedback you would require when analysing the swing.  The figures are not as accurate as Flightscope or Trackman but are in the “buffer zone”, so the information you get is more than good enough to work with.

As I said, I have been on numerous CPD Courses over the years and have never been disappointed.  This time proved no different .  The way GAASP and Balance provides the building blocks of the golf Swing, CPD Courses provide building blocks in your knowledge and ability to analyse and teach golfers how to enjoy and play better golf.  I would encourage all of you to put one or more of these days into your diary.  Neither you or your pupils will be disappointed.

Thank you again to Stewart and Bill for a great day.

Ronnie Martin – EGTF Teaching Professional


Two excellent days of learning were held in Scotland recently, allowing EGTF members the opportunity to increase their knowledge in some key areas in the golf game.

Both days were conducted by EGTF Master Professional Stewart Craig, one of the best coaches around in the golfing world.


Teaching with technology centered on the new equipment on the market that can help golf teachers provide a better service and understand key areas of the golf game better.

Stewart looked at how important balance and stability in the golf swing are, using the SAM balance lab, which shows where your weight is at address and how it moves through the backswing and forwardswing, giving vital information on cause and effect problems.  The days are always very interactive with the information delivered in an informative but fun environment by Stewart.


We also looked at Flightscope launch monitors and Swingbyte teaching aids that give excellent information back on what the club and ball are doing through the swing. Flightscope is a high end product and gives a host of data on the ball and club, which can be invaluable when fitting and teaching.  The emergence of launch monitors has also allowed a better understanding of the new ball flight laws that the golfing world has adopted.  Stewart went through the new theories on D plane and ball flight which allowed everyone a better understanding of these new topics.


Swingbyte is now an excellent tool with which to teach, clipping onto the shaft of any club and recording club path, face angle, club head speed, tempo and much more.  We looked at how to use it in teaching and everyone was very impressed by the accuracy of the data (comparing to the launch monitor) and obviously at a price that most people can afford (around a £100).


Lots of good information and very interactive for all attending, is always the hallmark of a good instructor and well presented training day.


Putting was the discipline for day two, with the first part of the  morning devoted to putting technique, looking at the most important part of the game in depth from a technique point of view, using knowledge along with teaching aids to help improve people’s strokes.  In the afternoon we looked at how to read greens more effectively, with the thoughts and theories based on the new Aimpoint system.  Stewart covered the basics of green reading along with the scientific values of Aimpoint now being used by many of the golfing tours around the world.  Everyone found this session very useful and took away some great new knowledge to help improve their own green reading and their students as well.


Putting days are always very good and highlight the importance of a sound technique and the ability to read greens effectively.  Again Stewart shared his vast knowledge built up over 16 years teaching at the highest level  with all attending on this day, helping to educate golf coaches to become better.

Thanks to Stewart and to Forthview Golf Academy and Falkirk Golf Club for their hospitality during our stay.

Bill Abbott – EGTF Director of Education

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